Sunday, January 23, 2011

The begining..

I've never done this blogging thing before, so I'll try and stick to it and hopefully you'll all enjoy following along while I explain what Destiny's condition is, what she's already gone through and where we're going from here. The first few posts here will probably just be catching up to where we are now because I was kind of late getting started on this, but have now decided it's probably a good idea, if you know the story up to this point be patient, I don't want to leave anything out.

In March 2010 my husband Eric and I were thrilled to learn we were expecting a sibling for our daughter Brooklynn, things were going well, all early ultrasounds were looking great! At our 20 week anatomy ultrasound it was discovered that the baby we just found out was going to be a girl had some fluid around her heart and we were scheduled for another ultrasound for a better look. A week later we had another ultrasound, however the it still wasn't clear why the baby had fluid around her heart, so we were sent to McMaster Hospital for a fetal echo cardiogram, during this time it was discovered that the baby had some problems with her heart but it was unclear what exactly, and we were scheduled for another echo cardiogram at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto (just over an hour away from home on a good traffic day). When we had that one, we had a meeting with a cardiologist who explained that our little girl had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which basically means the left ventricle of her heart was VERY under developed and not functioning properly.

What did this mean for our unborn baby? It meant that very shortly after birth she would have to undergo a very complicated open heart surgery, followed by two more later in life, just to repair this one problem and we prayed that there weren't going to be any complications that required more surgery. We were told that she would need to be delivered at Mt. Sinai Hosptial in Toronto, so that she could be immediately transported to Sick Kids to be monitored until surgery.

So our baby girl that was due November 28, 2010 was born by C-section November 1, 2010 and withinn an hour of birth was moved across the street to the Cardiac Critical Care Unit (CCCU) at Sick Kids Hospital, and thus begins her (and our) journey...

1 comment:

  1. My love and positive energy sent always .........

    Love to you all ....
